Lulu on the sky


Playlist da Lulu: Divisionary (Do The Right Thing) - Ages and Ages

Olá, estrelas! Hoje no vídeo da semana é uma música que eu conheço há muito tempo e nunca sabia quem cantava. Aí, finalmente uma amiga minha postou esse vídeo no Facebook dela e na hora lembrei de compartilhar com vocês. Espero que gostem:  Divisionary (Do The Right Thing) - Ages and Ages

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Divisionary (Do The Right Thing)

Do the right thing, do the right thing
Do it all the time, do it all the time
Make yourself right, never mind them
Don't you know you're not the only one suffering?
Do the right thing, do the right thing
Do it all the time, do it all the time
Make yourself right, never mind them
Don't you know you're not the only one suffering?

Do the right thing, do the right thing
Do it all the time, do it all the time
Make yourself right, never mind them
Don't you know you're not the only one suffering?
I see you up again wandering so diligent
Crossing your t's as though it weren't irrelevant
They say formality, this is what they really meant
They can be the walk, we can, we can be the pavement

Do the right thing, do the right thing
Do it all the time, do it all the time
Make yourself right, never mind them
Don't you know you're not the only one suffering?
So what you're up against, all the disingenuous
They wave you along and say there's always room for us
But we know better than that to take 'em serious
Still don't let 'em make you bitter in the process

And when the light is up, this is how oughta be (do the right thing)
We'll make it alright, they'll come around eventually (do it all the time)
They say it's nothing but that ain't the reality (do it all the time)
They may take us on but they can never take us easy
And they ain't moving, they're just moving around
So if you love yourself, you better get out
Get out, get out, get out, get out now
Do the right thing, do the right thing (do the right thing)
Do it all the time, do it all the time (do it all the time)
Make yourself right, never mind them (do it all the time)
Don't you know you're not the only one suffering

(I hear a higher calling)
Do the right thing, do the right thing (do the right thing)
(Better here than there I guess)
Do it all the time, do it all the time (do it all the time)
(So long)
Make yourself right, never mind them (do it all the time)
(So long)
Don't you know you're not the only one suffering
(I hear a higher calling)
Do the right thing, do the right thing (do the right thing)
(Better here than there I guess)
Do it all the time, do it all the time (do it all the time)
(So long)
Make yourself right, never mind them (do it all the time)
(So long)
Don't you know you're not the only one suffering

(I hear a higher calling)
Do the right thing, do the right thing (do the right thing)
(Better here than there I guess)
Do it all the time, do it all the time (do it all the time)
(So long)
Make yourself right, never mind them (do it all the time)
(So long)
Don't you know you're not the only one suffering

(I hear a higher calling)
Do the right thing, do the right thing (do the right thing)
(Better here than there I guess)
Do it all the time, do it all the time (do it all the time)
(So long)
Make yourself right, never mind them (do it all the time)
(So long)
Don't you know you're not the only one suffering
(I hear a higher calling)
Do the right thing, do the right thing (do the right thing)
(Better here than there I guess)
Do it all the time, do it all the time (do it all the time)
(So long)
Make yourself right, never mind them (do it all the time)
(So long)
Don't you know you're not the only one suffering

(I hear a higher calling)
Do the right thing, do the right thing (do the right thing)
(Better here than there I guess)
Do it all the time, do it all the time (do it all the time)
(So long)
Make yourself right, never mind them (do it all the time)
(So long)
Don't you know you're not the only one suffering

(fonte: letras.mus. br)

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23 comentários:

  1. Oi Lulu
    que linda essa musica ;)
    não conhecia amei a dica


    1. Oi Marilis,
      Fico feliz que tenha gostado da dica.
      Obrigada pela visita.
      big beijos

  2. muito bonita essa canção. beijos, pedrita

    1. Oi Pedrita,
      Concordo com você.
      Obrigada pela visita.
      big beijos

  3. Adorei!! É uma canção excelente :)

    1. Oi Cátia,
      Faz a gente refletir essa música.
      Obrigada pela visita.
      big beijo

  4. Que música legal, adorei!

    1. Oi Mah,
      Eu conhecia há muito tempo, e como citei no post graças a minha amiga que consegui descobrir quem cantava.
      Obrigada pela visita.
      big beijo

  5. Gostei da música, muito boa! =)

    1. Oi Srta Bipolar,
      é ótima para relaxar essa música.
      Obrigada pela visita.
      big beijos

  6. Ainda não conhecia não, mas curti!

    1. Oi Carlinha,
      Gosto de descobrir músicas bacanas e trazer para vocês curtirem.
      Obrigada pela visita.
      big beijos

  7. Respostas
    1. Oi Claudia,
      Muito giro essa música né?
      Obrigada pela visita.
      big beijos

  8. Música linda! Adorei a letra e o clipe. Não conhecia.

    1. Oi Bruxa,
      Eu achei sensacional a mensagem que esse vídeo passa.
      Obrigada pela visita.
      big beijos

  9. Amei a musica linda! Bjs

    1. Oi Patricia,
      Essa música é fofa.
      Obrigada pela visita
      big beijos

  10. Respostas
    1. Oi Debora,
      Fico feliz que tenha curtido
      Obrigada pela visita
      big beijos

  11. Linda musica.
    Ótimo domingo para vc!
    Obrigada pela visita
    Beijos Coloridos!!!♥♥♥

    1. Oi Margareth,
      Obrigada ótimo domingo pra vc tb.
      big beijos

  12. Linda canção!
    Beijos U&B
    Adriana e Cláudia
    Instagram @blogunhasebocas


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Big Beijos,


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