Lulu on the sky


Playlist da Lulu: What If I Kissed You - Temecula Road

Aumenta o som e vem cantar junto para animar seu final de semana

Olá, Estrelas! Sábado é dia de música e tive uma grata surpresa ao descobrir o  Temecula Road  no blog da  Tay Ribeiro  na semana passada e super me identifiquei com eles. Por isso, eu os escolhi para a minha playlist de hoje. Com vocês a música What If I Kissed You.

What If I Kissed You - Temecula Road

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

The stars are lighting up the sky
And trying to catch my eye
But I can't pay attention
And that song
Pourin' out the speakers
It couldn't sound much sweeter
But I ain't even listening
'Cause I got a one-track mind
And it ain't slowing down
Wheels are turning in my head
But all I'm thinking 'bout

Is what if I kissed you
Tell me what you'd do
Would you be holding on all night
Would you be waiting
Or maybe I'd catch you by surprise
What if our lips met in the middle of a front seat
Two hearts racing, making us a memory
I gotta know if you're feeling
What I'm feeling too
What if I kissed you
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
What if I kissed you
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Your eyes
Been dancing to the dashboard
And landing on the floorboard
It's cute when you're nervous
Your hands
Reaching for the dial
Been static for a while
But I don't think you noticed
No, what if I just closed my eyes
What if I lean in first

What if I kissed you
Tell me what you'd do
Would you be holding on all night
Would you be waiting
Or maybe I'd catch you by surprise
What if our lips met in the middle of a front seat
Two hearts racing, making us a memory
I gotta know if you're feeling
What I'm feeling too
What if I kissed you
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
What if I kissed you
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Are you feeling what I'm feeling?
Are you feeling what I'm feeling too?

Cause what if I kissed you
Tell me what you'd do
Would you be holding on all night
Would you be waiting
Or maybe I'd catch you by surprise
What if our lips met in the middle of a front seat
Two hearts racing, making us a memory
I gotta know if you're feeling
What I'm feeling too
What if I kissed you
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Oh, what if I kissed you
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Oh, tell me what you'd do
What if I kissed you
What if I kissed you

14 comentários:

  1. Música boa demais, no estilo que eu gosto! Boa pra animar o fim de semana. Tenha um dia abençoado, beijos!

    Blog Paisagem de Janela

    1. Olá Paula,
      Adoro músicas animadas para agitar
      big beijos

  2. parece thiago iorc. beijos, pedrita

    1. Olá Pedrita,
      Tiago Iorc é melhor do que eles e mais doce
      big beijos

  3. Aaaaa amo essa música❤

  4. Nossa que musica linda ! Gostei muito Lulu *-*
    Não conhecia!

    1. Olá Camila,
      Obrigada, foi dica da Tay Ribeiro.
      big beijos

  5. Olá Lulu,
    Não conhecia essa música,
    bom final de semana para você também querida.
    Beijos *_*
    Desvendando Segredos | Facebook

    1. Olá Talyta,
      Obrigada, ótimo final de semana
      big beijos

  6. Não conhecia a banda nem a música, mas gosto muito de ver posts de playlist <3 Acho bem legal para animar :D Beijocas Lulu :3 ♥

    Sorriso Jovem

    1. Olá Hilda,
      Fico feliz que goste, eu costumo colocar sempre aos sábados
      big beijos


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Big Beijos,


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